Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Plants vs. Zombies

Apparently, the Winter Melon has the coolest weapons
and the Gargantuar and his Imp are super awesome.
So here was our attempt....
Zombie made out of gray craft foam (markers & goggly eyes!) and placed standing. It was my first time using the "grass" tip. So forgiving. Love it!
Traditional butter cream frosting can be made with non-dairy milk of your choice and Blue Bonnet Light, which is dairy-free. Just note that it had a much higher water content and so plan on adding less "milk" and more powdered sugar.
And in case you want the Wheat-free, Gluten-free cake recipe, buy this book. It's our favorite.
No really. Buy it. You won't regret it!

Monday, May 6, 2013


The traditional 80's Barbie cake. (She LOVED it!)
P.S. Used box cake mix without milk (Western Family) and just added a can of Sprite.
Makes a more dense, egg-free, milk-free cake.
And as always, traditional butter cream frosting can be made with non-dairy milk of your choice and Blue Bonnet Light, which is dairy-free. Just note that it had a much higher water content and so plan on adding less "milk" and more powdered sugar.