Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Gender Revel Cupcakes

To announce the gender of my baby, I made these cupcakes.  I baked a dab of dyed blue cake batter in the middle of the cupcake.  Then topped them with blue and pink swirled frosting.  Very cute.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Peg + Cat

I was only going to have 10 minutes on the birthday to do this cake so wanted one with only a couple colors and thought I'd try a new technique to speed up my last minute work. I tried this method
 and didn't like how it turned at all (so redid the frosting on top. So much for saving time. Luckily this was a super easy design.) I do like the idea so may try it again another time.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Amber & Larry's-On This Road Together Picnic Style Wedding Cake

Amber finally got to make her own wedding cake! Yay!
Welcome to the family Larry.